The 5th Customer Demonstration Event in Goyang City

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작성자 SEALBOOSTER 댓글 0건 조회 3,848회 작성일 20-12-21 16:26


The 5th Customer Demonstration Event

in Goyang City

Date: Nov. 5. 2020

To be able to meet the demands of potential customers in National Capital Area

– Actually there were a lot of requests from before -,

we performed the 5th Customer Demonstration Event(including hands-on experiences)

on SEAL BOOSTER(SB-B) in Suzax Korea(Aqua Studio) located in Goyang City

with a large number of people participated on the spot.

This time, besides freediving instructors just like previous events,

many other people from related industry attended enthusiastically. 

In particular, more than 15 people from different diving teams asked out for

hands-on experiences among 22 people who participated.

This time as well, 2 instructors & 1 assistant instructor carried on with their good works

in aiding those first timers by leading proper equipment operation in water.  

In the same manner, several positive reviews are available from

the participants accounts after going through hands-on experiences.

Taken together, “We would love to buy some sets if goods are released.

For educational purpose for our trainees, and for recreational purpose for my own use”,

“It looked a little bit slow when I saw from out of water as one of onlookers,

however it made me move fast enough in water unlike outside view.

It was such an interesting experience.”

We would like to appreciate all the staffs who spared no efforts

in greasing the wheel during the demonstration event on the ground

and to the people who willingly carved their precious time out of hectic schedules. 

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